Tuesday, December 13, 2011


We've wrapped up our first round of playing ONE TRUE SENTENCE and the winner is Marty McCabe.

The game, being played evenings on Twitter (@HectorLassiter or at #1TS) to celebrate the release of my new novel, EL GAVILAN, requires players to finish a sentence I start, as short and truly as they can. At the end of each week's round of play, a winner is picked to receive a signed first edition of one of my novels.

Marty's winning One True Sentence:

"With one jug of water and 30 miles of desert to reach the border, Miguel eyed Juan bleeding out in the sand; now, it was just a long walk."—Marty McCabe

We'll start a fresh round of play Wednesday night on Twitter at 8 p.m. eastern.

In other book news, Joe T. at Austin's BookPeople has declared ONE TRUE SENTENCE one of his favorite five works of fiction of 2011. Also making the cut were SNUFF by Sir Terry Pratchett, OF BLOOD AND HONEY by Stina Leicht, HEARTSTONE by C.J. Sansom and THE WISE MAN'S FEAR by Patrick Rothfuss.